big emotions, mama disrupt

Dealing with big emotions? 4 tips to get through the day

In Features, Motherhood, Stories by Nicole Fuge

When you hit the season of motherhood when big emotions are at play, it suddenly feels all too hard. But don’t worry, here are some tips to help you get through.

By Mama Disrupt®

As mums, we’re always harder on ourselves than we should be. We thought we would be better than this and do better. But the truth is, we are only doing our best – and that is all anyone can ask.

Because motherhood is really hard [especially when you’re navigating big emotions]. Suddenly your sweet little baby is a toddler who is learning and growing and becoming their own person.

“Be kind to yourself, and look at your expectations. This is not the time to unrealistically raise your parenting standards or make life harder for yourself.”

This is when we’re dealing with big emotions, big behaviour. You know – the tantrums and emotional meltdowns, boundary-pushing and answering back. Not to mention the ZERO listening and co-operation. Good times.

So if you’re in the thick of it and feel like you’re losing your mind, remember these four tips.

motherhood has taught me, mama disrupt

1. Stop being too hard on yourself

Be kind to yourself, and look at your expectations. This is not the time to unrealistically raise your parenting standards or make life harder for yourself. In fact, do whatever is required to make life easier right now. You are in survival mode.

2. Don’t worry too much about screen time

Most of us rely on screens more than we thought we would [you know pre-kids when we were perfect parents!]. And that’s ok. We’re all flying blind. Just know that it’s ok to loosen boundaries and let the rules slide a little. Go with the flow and remember that staying sane is the aim of the game here.

busyness, mama disrupt

3. Keep your expectations realistic

If your kids are acting out or being more difficult than usual, try to see the world from their point of view. Get down to their level and have a conversation about how they’re feeling. When they feel seen and heard, your relationship changes.

4. Maximise opportunities for connection

Seize moments to delight in your child, either with physical affection, focused attention or asking lots of enthusiastic questions about their latest Minecraft conquest. Take the time to really tune into your child, even if it’s just for a few minutes at a time. Being present, properly present, is a game changer.