Raising confident girls in today’s world is a challenge. We chat to the experts to get their take on how to foster a body positivity culture at home and equip our girls for a resilient future. By Harper Steele Raising confident and self-assured girls in an era dominated by social …
Why do girls hold it in and boys let it out? How kids express emotions
Why do girls hold in their feelings and boys let them out? The science and societal norms behind gender differences in how kids express emotions. By Nicole Fuge, Mama Disrupt® Managing Editor If you’ve got both girls and boys at home, you’ve probably noticed how differently they handle their emotions. …
Is your child starting school, too? A message from one mum to another
As mothers, we are conditioned to prepare our children for significant life events – starting school is one of them. But the truth is, are we ever really prepared ourselves? By Nicole Fuge, Mama Disrupt® Managing Editor For weeks, I have been a mess. I have written lists and gone over …
Is this the coolest Montessori style play room ever?
Margaux Follis created the ultimate Montessori play room for her girls. A place of wonder and fun to play in and explore freely. By Mama Disrupt® Chances are you’ve seen Margaux Follis on Insta (@thefrenchfolk). Her gorge Northern Victoria home and cool DIY hacks are widely shared and loved by …