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How to support a new mum in the first few weeks

In Features, Motherhood, Stories by Nicole Fuge

Being a new mum is a time of excitement and joy, but it is also one of hard work and uncertainty [thanks hormones]. So if your partner or friend has just given birth, read this to know how you can properly support a new mum through her postpartum journey.

By Ava Wilde

First and foremost, be there for her. Listen to her concerns, validate her feelings, and offer emotional support. Being a new mum can be overwhelming and emotional, so having someone to talk to and lean on can make a huge difference.

Offer practical help [if she wants it]

New mums are often busy taking care of their newborn, so offering to help with household chores, grocery shopping, cooking meals, or running errands can be a big relief.

And if you’re feeling generous, you could bring her some practical gifts, like meals, diapers, or baby clothes.

support a new mum, look after yourself, mama disrupt

Visit her and hold her

If you’re close enough, why not visit her and the baby? But remember to ask first, as new mums may not feel up to visitors or may prefer to have some quiet time in the love bubble with their newborn.

When you do go to visit, remember to hold the mama first. That is one of the best ways you can support a new mum. Because she has been through a lot, so she should be the centre of attention – just as much as the baby she birthed.

Give her a break

Offering to babysit can also be a big help. Even just a few hours of alone time can be a welcome break for a new mum who has been busy taking care of her baby around the clock.

But don’t be offended if she says no, a lot of new mums feel anxious about leaving their baby with anyone else.

support a new mum, mindfulness, mama disrupt

Support her through breastfeeding

If you have experience with breastfeeding, offer to help or connect her with a lactation consultant. Breastfeeding can be tough, and having someone to turn to for advice and support can be a real lifesaver.

Give her time to heal and adjust

Finally, be patient and understanding. Being a new mum can be overwhelming, and she may not have much time to spend with you. But if you’re there for her, she’ll appreciate it more than you can imagine.

So go ahead and be the supportive friend, family member, or partner that she needs during this exciting and challenging time. You got this!