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Motherhood loneliness? How to reconnect with people after having a baby

In Features, Motherhood, Stories by Nicole Fuge

Motherhood loneliness is a thing and it is normal – becoming a mum is a life-changing adjustment. So if you have lost yourself in the baby bubble and feel it’s time to reconnect, here are some helpful first steps. 

By Charlotte Cruz

Some mamas intentionally set boundaries when they have babies. Choosing to keep this time to themselves to adjust to motherhood and all that comes with it. And some find that they unintentionally disconnect and lose themselves along the way, not even knowing how or when it happened.

Just know that it’s all ok. We all do motherhood our own way.

While having a village of people around you to support you is super beneficial, that is not everyone’s reality.

So if you are now coming up for air and realise you’ve drifted away from your friends, and now it’s time to connect with new people or reconnect with your old tribe, here are some tips that may help.

Just remember that it is ok feel overwhelmed or lonely sometimes, and that reaching out for support is a sign of strength. Take it one step at a time, and know that you are not alone in this journey.


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1. Reach out to friends and family

Send a text, a DM, or give them a call. Let them know that you miss them and you want to catch up. You could invite them over for a visit, suggest a park playdate or meet up at your local coffee shop.

2. Make new friends

If you feel like a fresh start and want to meet some new peeps, many communities have mother’s groups that offer support and socialisation for new mums.

This can be a great way to meet other mothers who are going through similar experiences because their babes are the same age as yours.

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3. Connect online

It’s no secret that mamas spend a lot of time online, especially during those early months when we’re up at all hours with our newborns. And you will find that it can be a great place to connect with other mamas.

Plus, the benefit of making friends via social media and other online communities is they are often in different countries and time zones – and are available for a chat in the middle of the night!

4. Attend baby-friendly events

Look for events in your community that are baby-friendly, such as parent-child classes, storytimes at the library, or outdoor concerts. These can be a great opportunity to socialise with other parents while your kiddo is also having fun.

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