When the baby blues last longer than a few weeks or so, it’s important to consider whether postnatal depression or anxiety has set in. By Cheryl Fingleson Adjusting to parenthood is tough going and it’s natural for parents – both mums and dads – to feel overwhelmed by their new …
Not feeling yourself? Here are 11 signs you might have PND
When baby blues last longer than a few weeks, it’s important to know if postnatal depression or anxiety has set in. It’s not you, it’s PND. By Cheryl Fingleson Adjusting to parenthood is tough going and it’s natural for parents – both mums and dads – to feel overwhelmed by …
What everyone needs to know about PND
Each mum who has PND, experiences it in a different way. But it is possible to break the cycle – you just need to know how. By Heather Lindsay One in five mums suffer from perinatal anxiety and depression. That’s 20%. That’s huge! By definition, it stands for depression or anxiety that occurs …
10 Ways to Help New Mums Struggling with their Mental Health
A mother’s mental health in the perinatal period – from pregnancy to the end of the first postnatal year – is crucial to the long-term health and wellbeing of families. Because we all know that mums are the glue that holds it all together. It’s also true that those first days/weeks/months …