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Feeling tired? Heavy period? It’s time for a women’s wellness check

In Features, Motherhood, Stories, Wellness by Nicole Fuge

Why women’s wellness checks are essential after kids – from tackling low iron and heavy periods to managing hormonal shifts, so you can start feeling like yourself again.

By Nicole Fuge, Mama Disrupt® Managing Editor

Motherhood is a beautiful, transformative experience, but it can also take a significant toll on our bodies. At first, it’s the sleepless nights with a newborn, and then it evolves into a persistent, bone-deep fatigue. It’s easy to dismiss these feelings as part and parcel of motherhood, but sometimes, there’s something deeper at play.

For many of us, like myself, it became more than just being ‘tired.’ Am I exhausted from motherhood? Burnt out? Or is there something else going on? It wasn’t until I dug deeper into my health that I uncovered a critical imbalance: my iron levels were super low, particularly my ferritin. This discovery has been life-changing.


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The Vital Role of Wellness Checks

Women’s wellness checks are essential at any stage of life, but especially after having kids. Postpartum life is often so focused on the baby that we lose sight of our own health. However, our bodies undergo immense changes during and after pregnancy—changes that can lead to long-term health issues if not addressed.

One common issue many mothers face is low iron levels, particularly ferritin, the protein that stores iron in our body. Low ferritin can lead to extreme fatigue, dizziness, hair loss, and more. For me, it explained the constant tiredness that no amount of sleep seemed to fix. Heavy periods, which became worse after weaning and stopping breastfeeding, also contributed to this imbalance. These are issues that many women face, but often go undiagnosed until a wellness check shines a light on the problem.

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Postpartum Health Complications

Beyond low iron, there are numerous other issues women may face postpartum:

  • Hormonal changes: After pregnancy and breastfeeding, hormonal fluctuations can wreak havoc on your mood, energy levels, and even your skin. I’ve personally found my skin to be the worst it’s ever been.
  • Mental health: The physical and emotional demands of motherhood, paired with lack of sleep and hormonal changes, can lead to mental health struggles like postpartum depression and anxiety. Wellness checks often include mental health screenings, which are crucial for early intervention.
  • Bone and muscle health: Pregnancy can deplete your body’s calcium stores, impacting your bone density. It’s important to have bone health monitored, especially if you experienced complications like pre-eclampsia during pregnancy.
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Why Regular Checkups Matter

We tend to prioritise everyone else’s health—our children, our partners, even our pets—before our own. But routine wellness checks can catch health issues early, ensuring we stay strong and healthy for those we care for. Here’s why women’s wellness checks should be non-negotiable, especially after having kids:

  • Hormonal balance: Regular blood tests can help detect imbalances in key hormones that affect your energy, mood, and overall wellbeing.
  • Iron levels: Iron deficiency, especially low ferritin, can be easily detected and treated with iron supplements or dietary adjustments.
  • Skin health: Skin changes postpartum can be due to hormonal shifts or underlying health issues like thyroid dysfunction or deficiencies. Your doctor can guide you through potential treatments or skincare regimens that align with your body’s new needs.
  • Heavy periods: Postpartum periods can be heavier than before, leading to iron depletion. If your periods seem abnormal, don’t hesitate to mention it to your doctor.
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The Ripple Effect of Neglecting Your Health

When we neglect our wellness, we not only affect ourselves but our families too. Being in constant survival mode doesn’t allow us to show up as the best version of ourselves. If you’ve noticed that you’re always tired, emotionally depleted, or just not feeling like yourself, it’s time to listen to your body and book that checkup.

After all, health isn’t just about ‘getting through the day’—it’s about thriving. Our bodies have carried us through incredible changes, and they deserve care and attention long after pregnancy and breastfeeding are over.

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It’s Time to Prioritise You

As women and mothers, our health checks are not just about preventing illness—they’re about reclaiming our wellness. So, if you’re reading this and recognising yourself in these words, don’t delay. Book that wellness check, have your iron levels tested, talk to your doctor about your heavy periods, and make your health a priority.

Because, in the end, taking care of yourself is the best thing you can do for your family. When we’re at our best, we can truly give our best to those we love.

Disclaimer: No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical or health advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional. Please refer to our Medical and Health Disclaimer for further information.

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