
[GUEST EDITOR] Amelia Phillips: Reignite Your Motivation Mojo

In Body + Soul, Features, Motherhood, Nourish, Stories by Jessica Jane Sammut

You know those times when you slip into a funk? You’re not quite sure if you will make it through the day, let alone week? Sure, there are lots of reasons why (sleep deprivation anyone!?) but that doesn’t help solve the problem. We’ve all been in this motivation funk at some stage, and the bad news is it’s contagious. If we’re down on energy we may be dragging those around us down too. If we’re slumping in one part of our life (exercise), it may spread into other areas (eating). But brilliantly, energy attracts energy so when we do reignite our motivation mojo, we can turn around many areas of our life. Here are my top tips to reigniting your motivation mojo.

Find Your Higher Meaning

I’m in the motivation business. I’ve been a trainer and nutritionist for years and people pay me to motivate them. But you know the thing is, true motivation comes from within, and until my clients tapped into their higher meaning, any motivating I did was a bit like a sugar hit, short term and ultimately unfulfilling.

Whatever area you need motivating in, connect with your higher meaning, and you do that by asking the question ‘why.’ Keep asking it over and over until the real answer bubbles up. For example,

why do you want to exercise?

To get in shape …


To fit into my skinny jeans …


Because I used to look hot in them, and I want to look hot again …


Because I don’t feel hot …


Because I’m older and not happy with me right now. I want to change …


I want to love myself more …

Ah … but why?

I want to be proud of me and my family be proud of me …

Fabulous. Why else?

Because I love my family so much and want to set a good example for them and be the best I can be for them.


Can you see how that is so much more powerful than simply getting into shape!? Turn your higher meaning into a mantra and repeat it daily. For example: I am the best I can be for my family and me.

Set SMART Goals

One big motivation killer is the fear that a task is too big, difficult or painful. However if you break it down into smart mini goals, it’s amazing how the impossible becomes possible. And remember the harder the task, often the bigger the reward (even if it’s an internal feeling of accomplishment). So set SMART goals (Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic and Time based). Write them down, set the deadline and commit to doing it.


Finally if all else fails JFDI (Just Fricking Do It!!). Sometimes the simple act of putting one foot in front of the other, putting pen to paper is all we need to get going. Sometimes we need to sit back, give ourselves a wet fish slap, down a strong coffee and get cracking. Maybe even fake it until you make it. In my business Voome  and 12WBT, we call it robot mode. Quit the internal negotiations, don’t think. Just do. One of our members has three kids under 6 and her youngest is up at least four times most nights. She says that she knows she’s going to be tired no matter what, so she’d rather be tired having exercised than not (BTW she’s less tired on the day she trains!).

Life passes us by so fast, let’s get our mojo cranking so we can enjoy it to the max!

Amelia xoxo


About Amelia Phillips

Amelia Phillips is a well-respected motivation expert, TV presenter, blogger, Co-Founder of the Michelle Bridges 12WBT and Co-Founder of Voome. Since completing a Bachelor of Health Science (majoring in Human movement) and a Postgraduate Certificate of Human Nutrition, she has enjoyed a career as a personal trainer, nutritionist, health club owner and corporate speaker. Her secret weapon for health is a balanced approach; where nothing is off limits, extreme or gimmicky. Real food, correct portion sizes, occasional treats, and the 80/20 rule. She has three kids under 3.5yo and loves nothing more than connecting with likeminded mothers. Connect with Amelia on Instagram  or her blog.


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