By Simone Smith and Kira White
Happy Mother’s Day!
Today [and every day] is a celebration of motherhood. And an acknowledgment and appreciation for not only everything we do as mums, but everything that we are.
Kira and Simone are two proud Dunghutti and Wiradjuri Aboriginal women who have just since began their new journey into motherhood together after giving birth to their first baby.
They grew up together on Birpai land (Port Macquarie) and shared a close friendship for some time in high school before it blossomed into a relationship where they have now been together for 9 years. They reside on the Dunghutti nation where they have bought their first home.
“Yari has a beautiful meaning of both koala and strong Aboriginal man in both our languages which is both Dunghutti and Wiradjuri.”
Simone is an Aboriginal health worker for NSW health within the Drug and alcohol space and Kira is a correctional office within the justice system. And as two Koori mothers raising their seven-week-old son, Yari, Mother’s Day also has cultural significance. Here are their feelings surrounding their first Mother’s Day together…

Kira and Simone are strong aboriginal women raising their son together
“It is about celebrating all the highs and lows, the feeling of unconditional love, happiness and anxiety all in one. It is a feeling of “not what we have given up, but what we have gained by becoming strong Indigenous mums.
Being both strong Indigenous women, we pride ourselves on continuing to carry our strong lineage from our beautiful matriarchs, who are strong sacred women and have always provided for us and shown us the way in how to protect and nurture our beautiful babies.
Becoming mothers to our beautiful boy Yari has created the greatest sense of belonging.
Belonging to our next generation and a human we are raising to continue on our values and traits of what it means to be strong and proud of their identity.
Yari has a beautiful meaning of both koala and strong Aboriginal man in both our languages which is both Dunghutti and Wiradjuri. As mums we hope to raise Yari to be strong and grounded. And always proud of his culture no matter what life throws at him.
Kira and I are really looking forward to our first Mother’s Day as new mums. And we are still pinching ourselves that we have created such a beautiful little human.
There really is no better feeling than knowing that a part of him will always be a part of us forever.”
You can follow Simone and Kira on the ‘gram @twokoorimamas.