By Nicole Fuge, MD® Managing Editor Christianna Heideman launched Damselfly when she was 19, fresh outta high school, and had no f*cking idea what she was doing. “I had a passion for jewellery and was determined to make a career out of it, so I did.” Damselfly started primarily as a jewellery brand; …
A vacay that excites the whole fam-bam? We found it.
By Jessica Jane Sammut We’ve reached that point in our lives known as ‘the golden zone’. You know, that phase after babyhood and before teens where your minis are old enough to be slightly civilised (read: not throwing food up the wall… much), but young enough to want to hang with …
Playtime with your mini-me just got easier – and way more FUN
By Kerrie Simon-Lawrence, MD® Editor OK mamas, let’s pour ourselves a glass of somethin’-somethin’ and let’s chat toddler. Raise your hand if you are all out of ideas for what to do with your mini to keep them entertained at home? Keep that hand up in the air if you …
The must-have item for grandparents #gamechanger
By Kerrie Simon-Lawrence, MD® Editor It’s Grandparent’s Day coming up on 27 October. How amazing are our mums and dads? Personally, I couldn’t do life (or motherhood) without mine. My own mum especially has been such a rock helping me navigate my way through the tantrums and the tears of …
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