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How to Marie Kondo Your Tired Mama Mind in 5 Simple Steps #mindbodysoul

In Body + Soul, Features, Life, Motherhood, Stories, What's New by Jessica Jane Sammut

By Jo Burgess Before you Marie Kondo the shizz out of your home, here’s how to tidy your mama mind in 5 simple steps and leave overwhelm behind #destress #innerpeace #tiredmama You’ve probably seen the evidence all over social media. Photos of mountains of clothes sprawled across beds. Belongings bulging out of garbage …

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5 ways to beat the baby blues in iso

In Features, Motherhood, Stories by Nicole Fuge

By Anna Fasolo Having a baby is a beautiful experience, but it can also be scary, stressful, exhausting and isolating. Plus, if you’ve become a new mama during this cray coronavirus pandemic, some of these feelings are no doubt compounded. But it is important to know that you are not alone …