When we become a mother, we look to our own mother, to our husband, to our friends, to our peers, to our elders, to the media, to the world, to see what we should be doing and how we should be doing it ‘right’.
But what if everyone around us is simply following what their mother and friends and peers and elders and media are telling them? What if they are just walking the path as they are being shown?
By Mama Disrupt® Editor-In-Chief Jessica Jane Sammut
It’s human nature to imitate, to replicate and to trust in what has gone before, but what if there is another way?
I say, there is. I say step outside of the lines. And I say create your own version of motherhood; your own version of life.
Ask yourself, ‘What would you do if nothing was holding you back?’
As the great Alan Watts once said, ‘Do that’. Do it with passion. Do it with every fibre of your being.
MAKE it happen.
Show your children that anything is possible and that you needn’t follow the crowd.
Show them that there is talent inside each one of us, and that having the bravery and courage to let it shine is the essence of life.
When I started a print magazine in a world of digital media, some would have thought I was mad.
However, I trusted my instincts, and I went against the tide. The status quo shuddered. And it was the best thing I could have done.
Because it’s in those moments of passion that beauty happens. In fact, when someone tells me ‘No’, the more likely I am to do it. Call me a rebel, call me a renegade – I’ll take it.
I just believe that the ‘system’ can and should be challenged. It’s when you veer off the path well trodden and let go of the voices in your head, that there is magic.
Break the rules and make new ones
Create the version of life that YOU want to live. Put a CRACK in the belief that listening to your HEART and reaching for your DREAMS, whatever they may be, is incompatible with motherhood.
Leave your comfort zone and VENTURE into the unknown. Be the BEST version of yourself for those who need you the most. And BREATHE, knowing that in doing the things that SERVE YOUR SOUL, you will be a BETTER person: for you, for your children and for their children.
Don’t be afraid to change your story, mama. Light that flame and watch it burn.