By Nicole Fuge, MD® Managing Editor Online yoga is really having a moment right now, thanks to #isolife. And while diehard yogis will know that online yoga classes are not a new thing, in fact they’ve been around for ages, they’ve defs become a lot more popular this year, with …
You Don’t Need To Have Anything “To Show” For Your Time In Iso
By Nicole Fuge, MD® Managing Editor It’s hard to believe just a few months ago, the world as we knew it started shutting down in an attempt to shield ourselves and our loved ones from ‘Rona. And while many countries are still in the eye of this fierce storm, here …
6 ways to keep your family moving in #iso
By Nicole Fuge, MD® Managing Editor This past week, I’ve gone for a walk every day. It may only be 30 mins, but it gets me and my daughter out of the f*ckin house (we’re all going a little cray over here!), and it gives me time to clear my …