In today’s fast-paced world, we are often caught up in the whirlwind of busyness. But what if the secret to true happiness lies in the practice of mindfulness? By Annika Rose We spend so much of our time on autopilot. And according to both research and common sense, this can affect our level …
[Guest Editor] Caitlin Cady: Feeling distracted? Try meditation
As mums, one of the things our kids want from us is our attention. Caitlin Cady shows us how meditation can help, and stop the distractions. By Caitlin Cady Being a distracted mother is the surest way to a shame spiral at the end of the day… hello #mumguilt. I hate feeling …
5 mindfulness tips for kids
Mindfulness is becoming an essential tool for happiness and wellbeing. Teaching our kids this essential skill is one of the best lessons we can share.
7 easy ways to practise mindfulness every day
Discover easy ways to practise mindfulness with these fab exercises. From mindful breathing to sensory joys, it’s your ticket to daily zen. Dive in. By Charlotte Cruz Today we’re diving into something oh-so-soul-nurturing and absolutely essential. Get ready to unleash the power of mindfulness with these seven easy-peasy exercises that …
Need to slow down? Why mothers should give themselves permission to pause
In this whirlwind called motherhood, we all feel the constant push and pull. But it’s okay to hit pause. To slow down. It’s time for us to lay down that ‘SuperMum’ cape and give ourselves a little grace. By Harper Steele When we’re always on the run, we become rundown. …
Perfect mum myth busted! 4 strategies to accept you as you are
Dr Hayley Watson shares four simple strategies to help you put the power of your life back into your hands. Let’s bust the perfect mum myth! By Dr Hayley Watson, Clinical Psychologist We live in a world full of “perfect” images. On social media we see only the positive sides of …
Self-care for new mums
Whether you’re a first-time mum or you’ve got a new bambino in the clan, self-care for new mums is a must. Here’s where to start. By Ruby Matley It’s no secret that often, mama is the last one to have her needs met. A hot shower, or cup of tea, …
5 mindfulness tips for kids
Mindfulness is becoming an essential tool for happiness and wellbeing. Teaching our kids this essential skill is one of the best lessons we can share.
You can’t pour from an empty cup… 6 easy ways to indulge in self-care
Six self-care practices to get you off the burnout bandwagon and feeling like yourself again. Because you can’t pour from an empty cup! By Kristina Ioannou Ever heard of the saying you can’t pour from an empty cup? It’s true, mama bear. Rest and self-care are SO important. When you …
Feeling flat? 7 ways to feel more inspired every day
Inspiration. The word brings to mind Insta quotes of the day. But what does it mean and can you really wake up inspired? Yes, you can! By Natalie Bascur 1. Discard unwanted commitments We often say ‘yes‘ to things too much. It’s much harder to actively choose our projects than to …