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The rebel mamas competing in Sydney to Hobart

In Features, Stories, Travel by Nicole Fuge

By Nicole Fuge We all know mums are capable of a f*ckload, but Take Me To Australia #bossmama Clare Southwell and badass stuntwoman Marese Emanuel are taking things to a cray new level – competing in the Sydney to Hobart Race this month. Now, they’re not completely batsh*t crazy… Clare …

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The kid-proof family vacay

In Features, Stories, Travel by Nicole Fuge

By Jessica Jane Sammut It’s tough to pinpoint the exact moment that planning a holiday with kids gets tough. It’s somewhere between the toddler years – when they’re pretty much thrilled to be doing anything remotely different to their usual routine – and the ‘tween’ phase – when they decide …

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How to travel Asia-Pacific with a young family

In Features, Stories, Travel by Nicole Fuge

By Jessica Jane Sammut When it comes to going overseas with a young fam, it’s not unreasonable to think ‘no freakin’ way’ and sideline the idea to the ‘we’ll do that when the kids are not throwing food up the wall/not poking each other’s eyes out/have left home’ basket. However, …