By Jo Burgess Before you Marie Kondo the shizz out of your home, here’s how to tidy your mama mind in 5 simple steps and leave overwhelm behind #destress #innerpeace #tiredmama You’ve probably seen the evidence all over social media. Photos of mountains of clothes sprawled across beds. Belongings bulging out of garbage …
4 ways to maximise your side hustle tax return
Mark Chapman, H&R Block’s Director of Tax Communications shares his top four tax tips for those starting a side hustle… #taxtime #EOFY By Mark Chapman The side hustle is still very much a big thing. Yes, you’ve got your day job, but you’ve also got skills and the passion that you …
4 Cool Apps to Help You Get Organised Before Iso Ends
By Nicole Fuge, MD® Managing Editor Most of us have been at home in iso for the better part of two months, and while we’ve been focused on surviving this sh*t show – homeschooling, working from home, picking up after our kids and endless Zoom calls – it left very little …
You Don’t Need To Have Anything “To Show” For Your Time In Iso
By Nicole Fuge, MD® Managing Editor It’s hard to believe just a few months ago, the world as we knew it started shutting down in an attempt to shield ourselves and our loved ones from ‘Rona. And while many countries are still in the eye of this fierce storm, here …
How to keep the kids out of your hair for an hour
By Natalie Bascur Having your kids home with you all day, every day, trying to keep them and yourself sane while in iso has become the new norm for many of us. But it has not been easy, and for some of us, we’re still in homeschool mode for a few …
4 ways to turn your living room into a playground
By Nicole Fuge, MD® Managing Editor The days are LONG in iso, as we try to keep our baes entertained and out from under out feet – it feels like everyone is starting to go a little cray. So if it’s starting to feel a little too much like Groundhog Day, …
The hack to homeschooling your kids in iso
By Nicole Fuge, MD® Managing Editor Most mums are just about managing to keep their sh*t together with the kids at home, let alone also being teachers. I know we’re capable of A LOT, but come on! While chatting to a girlfriend over Zoom the other morning (because that’s what …
The best thing to come out of #iso are these memes
By Nicole Fuge, MD® Managing Editor How you going mama? Are you doing OK? The world may be a weird AF place right now, I’m totally with you there, but one thing you CAN rely on is the good ol’ internet to deliver funny f*ckin memes to lighten the mood …
What I’ve learnt (and love) about blended families
By Lindy Klim Being a mother is THE most rewarding job I have ever had but my god is it the hardest. And I am not talking about the sleepless nights, dirty nappies and the juggling act of being a chef, taxi driver, costume maker, doctor, judge and jury and …
[GUEST EDITOR] Lindy Klim: What I’ve Learnt (and Love) About Blended Families
by Lindy Klim Being a mother is THE most rewarding job I have ever had but my god is it the hardest. And I am not talking about the sleepless nights, dirty nappies and the juggling act of being a chef, taxi driver, costume maker, doctor, judge and jury and …