When Beyoncé talks, people listen. When she Instagrams, the whole damn internet loses its mind. Case in point: her announcement in February 2017 of her twin pregnancy amassed a whopping 11 million ‘likes’ in a number of hours. The image of the Lemonade singer seated in a bed of flowers in …
Christianna Heideman – the making of a badass #bossmama
By Nicole Fuge, MD® Managing Editor Christianna Heideman launched Damselfly when she was 19, fresh outta high school, and had no f*cking idea what she was doing. “I had a passion for jewellery and was determined to make a career out of it, so I did.” Damselfly started primarily as a jewellery brand; …
How 10 of the most fierce women in the world found success
By Nicole Fuge, MD® Managing Editor In honour of International Women’s Day and the fierce AF ladies who dominate their space – the badass #BOSSMAMAS, the stay-at-home mums, the mothers taking on the role of both mum and dad, and the women who are just trying to keep it real in …
The rebel mamas competing in Sydney to Hobart
By Nicole Fuge We all know mums are capable of a f*ckload, but Take Me To Australia #bossmama Clare Southwell and badass stuntwoman Marese Emanuel are taking things to a cray new level – competing in the Sydney to Hobart Race this month. Now, they’re not completely batsh*t crazy… Clare …
The mama juggle with Rebecca Burrow
By Nicole Fuge Sporting the most adorbs bebe bump, Rebecca Burrow broke the news last week on her Insta account, that she’s expecting a sibling for her mini-me daughter Arabella. Fresh from a vacay with the fam in Bali, we chatted with Bec about her gorge brand–Mini Marley, how she …
The insider secret that makes feeding your bebe easy
By Kerrie Simon-Lawrence Ask any breastfeeding mama and she will tell you that feeding in public can be uncomfortable, awkward and downright difficult. And that was exactly how Feeding Friend’s Amanda Rowe felt too, when she was trying to feed her second-born bebe Kayla, a few years ago. “I struggled …
3 Mumpreneurs Talk About The Career-Mama Balance
Can we really have it all? Are we being selfish? Are we spending enough time with our kids? The list of “are we” and “should we” never ends. Did anyone say ‘mother’s guilt’?… The good news is, there’s always another mama who gets it – who understands the struggle and …
#Bossmama Spotlight: Meet Ballerina Turned Dancewear Business Owner
Meet Felicia Palanca, fierce mama of two from Melbourne, and the founder and key creative force behind stunning children’s ballet brand, Flo Dancewear (and its sister brand for tweens, Flo Active). And Felicia’s story reads like a beautiful fairy-tale. Once upon a time long ago, a tiny three-year-old girl started …
How my children drive me to work purposefully, not less
by Khara Williams, director of relationships, businesswoman and mama We’ve come so far in the workplace gender-equality debate, but there’s still a long way to go. One of my pet peeves is the prevailing sentiment that having kids automatically means you’ll work less, and have less efficacy, than your non-parent …
7 questions with The Goat Skincare co-creator, Tijana Desancic
From a simple solution to help deal with childhood eczema to the global business it is today, co-creator Tijana Desancic has been there since The Goat Skincare’s birth. Way before “natural” was having the moment it is today, Sally Desancic was looking for a drug-freeway to treat her daughter Ivana’s eczema. …